Stylistic Accounting

CRA Remittance done right

Paying taxes is a necessary evil, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a painful process. With the right people on your side, people who actually enjoy number crunching and tax preparation, you can avoid the pain—or, at least the pain of preparing them.

That’s where we come in! Our tax specialists have the expertise you need to stay on top of your taxes. We can help determine your remitter type and due dates, as well as your Average Monthly Withholding Amount (AMWA), and help you make sense of it all. Or better yet, offload all of your remittance responsibilities to us. We’ll be happy to calculate and remit any payroll source deductions (CPP, EI, and Income Tax) throughout the year. Plus, when tax time hits, we’ll be there to handle and remit your annual business income taxes as well.



CRA Remittance

GST Filing

Tax Adviser

Tax Filing

Small Business Consulting